Results for 'Murat Mutlu Bac'

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  1. Çağdaş Bir Görüngü Olarak Özgürlüğün Dağıtımı ve Tüketimi.Murat Baç - 2003 - Felsefe Tartismalari 31:11-32.
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  2. Cultural Frameworks, Goldman's Ontological Wardrobe, and a New Perspective over Veritas.Murat Baç - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1).
    There are good reasons to reject absolutism about truth not only for theoretical purposes but also in connection with the issues of cross-cultural communication and understanding. In explaining the neorealist approach, an analogy given by Alvin Goldman is employed and it is maintained that despite its difficulties Goldman's account is on the right track vis-à-vis truth and the ontological matters related to it.
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  3. Knowing Wrongly: An Obvious Oxymoron, or a Threat for the Alleged Universality of Epistemological Analyses?Murat Baç & Nurbay Irmak - 2011 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 11 (3):305-321.
    The traditional tripartite and tetrapartite analyses describe the conceptual components of propositional knowledge from a universal epistemic point of view. According to the classical analysis, since truth is a necessary condition of knowledge, it does not make sense to talk about “false knowledge” or “knowing wrongly.” There are nonetheless some natural languages in which speakers ordinarily make statements about a person’s knowing a given subject matter wrongly. In this paper, we first provide a brief analysis of “knowing wrongly” in Turkish. (...)
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  4. Hacıkadiroğlu'na Yanıt ve Deneyimcilik Üzerine Birkaç Söz.Murat Baç - 2002 - Felsefe Tartismalari 29:21-27.
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  5. The Ontological Status of Truthmakers: An Alternative to Tractarianism and Metaphysical Anti-Realism.Murat Baç - 2003 - Metaphysica 4 (2):5-28.
    This paper aims to describe and defend a Pluralistic Kantian, as opposed to a Tractarian, version of realism vis-à-vis the ontological basis of truthmaking relations. One underlying assumption of my position is that propositional truth is a robust property and, consequently, is normatively distinct from epistemic justification. Still, it does not follow from this realist contention that truth is generated ontologically, viz., independently of cognitive and intensional contributions of human agents. This point brings my view notably close to H. Putnam’s (...)
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  6. Hume, Nedensellik ve Nesnelerin Varlıksal Konumu: Genelgeçer Yorumların Bir Eleştirisi.Murat Baç - 2002 - Felsefe Tartismalari 29:1-13.
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    Memories of the Fourth Condition and Lessons to be Learned from Suspicious Externalism.Murat Baç - 2009 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 16 (2):127-145.
    A significant and interesting part of the post-Gettier literature regarding the analysis of propositional knowledge is the attempt to supplement the traditional tripartite analysis by employing a fourth condition regarding the defeasibility of evidence and thus to preclude the counterexamples displayed in Gettier’s original article. My aim in this paper is to critically examine the sort of externalism that accompanies the most promising of the proposed fourth conditions, due to Pollock, in order to offer some fresh insights on this old (...)
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    The Foundationalism-Coherentism Debate in Light of the Post-Wittgensteinian Ontological Enlightenment.Murat Bac - 2017 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 18 (2):141-157.
    The perennial problem of the exact nature of epistemic justification has recently become even more interesting upon Laurence BonJour's openly converting himself to foundationalism following a long and successful career built mainly around a strong defense of coherentism cum internalism. Even though the famous debate between foundationalism and coherentism is often associated with the "technical" issues of epistemic regress, basic beliefs, and so on, in this paper I will approach the debate from the standpoint of the post-Wittgensteinian literature and try (...)
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  9. Causal Determinants, Reasons, and Substantive Autonomy: a Critical Approach to Agency.Murat Baç - 2007 - Problemos 72:135-144.
    Although the notion of agency presents itself as an attractive solution to the puzzle of free will, itfaces a problem vis-à-vis the nature of reasons that are purported to lie behind actions. In this paper,I first point out the significance of a paradigm shift that emerges with the agency view. Then I arguethat the agency theories nonetheless fail in general to give a satisfactory account of various sorts ofreasons underlying our actions and choices. In trying to enlighten the multi-faceted nature (...)
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  10. Knowing Full Well. [REVIEW]Murat Baç - 2012 - Prolegomena 11 (1):118-122.
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    Is Causation "In Here" or "Out There"? Hume's Two Definitions of "Cause".Murat Baç - 1999 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 16 (1):19-35.
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  12. The Myth Of Nonepistemic Truth As A Necessary Condition Of Knowledge.Murat Baç - 2005 - Philosophical Writings 30 (3).
    This paper aims to show that the putatively non-epistemic nature of propositional truth presents an interesting problem for those who reasonably believe that truth is normatively distinct from warrant or evidence and that such truth is an irreducible condition on propositional knowledge. After arguing that McDowell’s direct realist approach is rather inadequate to deal with the issue I am raising here, I introduce the notion of ‘epistemic gradient’ to show that even if one may plausibly maintain that a significant portion (...)
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  13. The Nature of Truth and the House of Pragma.Murat Baç - unknown - Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 2.
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  14. Wittgenstein Ve Anlamın 'Ortalıkta' Olması.Murat Baç - 2001 - Felsefe Tartismalari 28:47-60.
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    Pluralistic kantianism.Murat Baç - 2006 - Philosophical Forum 37 (2):183–204.
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    Truth as one and many.Murat Baç - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (1):122 – 125.
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    Teknoloji Felsefesinin Antropolojik ve Görüngübilimsel Kipleri Üzerine Bir Sorgulama.Murat Baç - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):1-22.
    Öz: Teknoloji felsefesi görece olarak genç bir akademik alt-alan olmakla birlikte, ontoloji, epistemoloji, siyaset felsefesi, etik ve estetik gibi felsefe disiplininin daha köklü alt-alanlarıyla önemli bir kavramsal ilişki ağı içinde bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca bu dalın temel bazı meselelerinin derinlemesine incelenmesinin sosyoloji, antropoloji, psikoloji ve siyasi bilimler gibi disiplinlerin birikimlerinden ve yaklaşımlarından yararlanmayı da gerekli kıldığını belirtebiliriz. Bu yazımda teknoloji felsefesi alanını genel hatlarıyla ve güncel olgular ışığında kısaca tanıttıktan sonra, bu alanda ilginç ve kuramsal yönden değerli bulduğum iki sorunsalı sergileyip irdeliyorum. (...)
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    Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Indicates That Asymmetric Right Hemispheric Activation in Mental Rotation of a Jigsaw Puzzle Decreases With Task Difficulty.Murat Can Mutlu, Sinem Burcu Erdoğan, Ozan Cem Öztürk, Reşit Canbeyli & Hale Saybaşιlι - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  19. Scheme-based alethic realism: Agency, the environment, and truthmaking.Murat Baç & Renée Elio - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (2):173-196.
    This paper presents a position called Scheme-based Alethic Realism, which reconciles a realist position on the nature of truth with a pluralistic Kantian perspective that allows for multiple environments in which truthmaking relationships are established. We argue that truthmaking functions are constrained by a stable phenomenal world and a stable cognitive architecture. This account takes truth as normatively distinct from epistemic justification while relativizing the truth conditions of our statements to what we call Frameworks. The pluralistic aspect allows that these (...)
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    The Question of Transcendence and Constraint in a Panartifactual Account of Being, Knowing and Making.Büke Temizler & Murat Baç - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):409-425.
    Barry Allen defends a highly unorthodox and compact account of humans and their evolutionary adventure, which comprises inter alia epistemological, alethic, technological, and artistic aspects. His anthropocentric view distinguishes itself from traditional forms of realism and anti-realism by virtue of its dynamic and non-reductionist character. Allen adopts a certain perspective of techno-artistic and onto-epistemic construction, which we dub “panartifactualism,” claiming principally that nothing at all escapes the artifactualizing power of human beings. We maintain that, under closer scrutiny, various dimensions of (...)
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    Propositional knowledge and the enigma of realism.Murat Baç - 1999 - Philosophia 27 (1-2):199-223.
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    Ceasing to Exist and Harm Due to Loss of Vitality: A Different Approach to Metaphysics of Death.Murat Baç - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (3):979-994.
    According to the Epicurean tradition, there is something misleading about our common intuition that we are harmed at death. In contemporary literature, we find proponents of the anti-Epicurean view as well as staunch defenders of the no-harm theory. In this paper, I first deal with the question of the possibility of worldly presence after death and, secondly, with the idea of harm due to death of a person. The gist of my claim is that a non-absolutistic approach to the whole (...)
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  23. Pluralistic Kantianism and Understanding the.Murat Baç - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:13-18.
    In this paper I present Pluralistic Kantianism as a viable alternative to other prominent accounts of the determination of the truth conditions of our ordinary empirical statements. I further claim that this sort of Kantianism is capable of handling certain theoretical difficulties faced by any scheme-based semantics. Moreover, Pluralistic Kantianism can shed some light on such crucial issues as cross-cultural communication and understanding. As a result, if the account offered here is on the right track, we may get a palatable (...)
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    Can realists know that they know?Murat Baç - 2004 - Acta Analytica 19 (32):65-90.
    Realists typically suppose that nonepistemic truth is an independent condition on propositional knowledge. Few philosophers, however, have seriously questioned the meta-epistemic consequences of combining alethic and epistemic variants of realism. In this paper I aim to show that the truth condition in the customary definition of knowledge presents an important problem for the realist at higher epistemic levels. According to my argument, traditional epistemic-logical analyses of metaknowledge fail because of their extensionalism and certain presuppositions they have about the satisfaction of (...)
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    Truth-Making in A Cultural Context.Murat Bac - 2003 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 8:101-118.
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    Structure versus process: Mach, Hertz, and the normative aspect of science. [REVIEW]Murat BaÇ - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (1):39-56.
    In the end of the nineteenth century, there was a remarkable ‘empiricist attitude’ found among certain philosopher-scientists, an attitude which arguably emerged in the main as a reaction to the anti-scientific mood prevalent in the culture that time. Those philosopher-scientists, such as Mach and Hertz, were particularly anxious to emphasize and laud the privileged status of the empirical dimension ofour scientific knowledge, distinguishing it carefully from the theoretical constructions and hypothetical entities that are ordinarily posited by scientists. Yet, as I (...)
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  27. Reasons and Theories of Sensory Affect.Murat Aydede & Matthew Fulkerson - 2018 - In David Bain & Michael Brady (eds.), Philosophy of Pain: Unpleasantness, Emotion, and Deviance. New York: Routledge. pp. 27-59.
    Some sensory experiences are pleasant, some unpleasant. This is a truism. But understanding what makes these experiences pleasant and unpleasant is not an easy job. Various difficulties and puzzles arise as soon as we start theorizing. There are various philosophical theories on offer that seem to give different accounts for the positive or negative affective valences of sensory experiences. In this paper, we will look at the current state of art in the philosophy of mind, present the main contenders, critically (...)
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  28. A Contemporary Account of Sensory Pleasure.Murat Aydede - 2018 - In Lisa Shapiro (ed.), Pleasure: A History. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 239-266.
    [This is the penultimate version, please send me an email for the final version]. Some sensations are pleasant, some unpleasant, and some are neither. Furthermore, those that are pleasant or unpleasant are so to different degrees. In this essay, I want to explore what kind of a difference is the difference between these three kinds of sensations. I will develop a comprehensive three-level account of sensory pleasure that is simultaneously adverbialist, functionalist and is also a version of a satisfied experiential-desire (...)
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  29. Pain: Perception or Introspection?Murat Aydede - 2017 - In Jennifer Corns (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain. New York: Routledge.
    [Penultimate draft] I present the perceptualist/representationalist theories of pain in broad outline and critically examine them in light of a competing view according to which awareness of pain is essentially introspective. I end the essay with a positive sketch of a naturalistic proposal according to which pain experiences are intentional but not fully representational. This proposal makes sense of locating pains in body parts as well as taking pains as subjective experiences.
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  30. The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition.Murat Aydede & P. Robbins (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Since its inception some fifty years ago, cognitive science has seen a number of sea changes. Perhaps the best known is the development of connectionist models of cognition as an alternative to classical, symbol-based approaches. A more recent - and increasingly influential - trend is that of dynamical-systems-based, ecologically oriented models of the mind. Researchers suggest that a full understanding of the mind will require systematic study of the dynamics of interaction between mind, body, and world. Some argue that this (...)
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  31. Affect: Representationalists' Headache.Murat Aydede & Matthew Fulkerson - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):175-198.
    Representationalism is the view that the phenomenal character of experiences is identical to their representational content of a certain sort. This view requires a strong transparency condition on phenomenally conscious experiences. We argue that affective qualities such as experienced pleasantness or unpleasantness are counter-examples to the transparency thesis and thus to the sort of representationalism that implies it.
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  32. Naturalism, introspection, and direct realism about pain.Murat Aydede - 2001 - Consciousness and Emotion 2 (1):29-73.
    This paper examines pain states (and other intransitive bodily sensations) from the perspective of the problems they pose for pure informational/representational approaches to naturalizing qualia. I start with a comprehensive critical and quasi-historical discussion of so-called Perceptual Theories of Pain (e.g., Armstrong, Pitcher), as these were the natural predecessors of the more modern direct realist views. I describe the theoretical backdrop (indirect realism, sense-data theories) against which the perceptual theories were developed. The conclusion drawn is that pure representationalism about pain (...)
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  33. Is introspection inferential?Murat Aydede - 2003 - In Brie Gertler (ed.), Privileged Access: Philosophical Accounts of Self-Knowledge. Ashgate.
    I introduce the Displaced Perception Model of Introspection developed by Dretske which treats introspection of phenomenal states as inferential and criticize it.
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  34. Pain.Murat Aydede - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Pain is the most prominent member of a class of sensations known as bodily sensations, which includes itches, tickles, tingles, orgasms, and so on. Bodily sensations are typically attributed to bodily locations and appear to have features such as volume, intensity, duration, and so on, that are ordinarily attributed to physical objects or quantities. Yet these sensations are often thought to be logically private, subjective, self-intimating, and the source of incorrigible knowledge for those who have them. Hence there appear to (...)
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    Siyasette Bireysel Algı ve Seçmen Tutumları Üzerindeki Belirleyici Etmenler.Mutlu Sesli & Ali Köroğlu - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (2):313-331.
    Bu çalışmanın odak noktası, siyaset bilgisi ile seçmen ilgilenimi arasındaki ilişkiyi analiz etmek ve siyaset bilgisini ve seçmen ilgilenimini etkileyen sosyal ve demografik faktörleri belirlemektir. Bu amaçla, Tokat ilinde yaşayan 18 yaş üstü 401 katılımcı üzerinde bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, siyaset bilgisi ile seçmen ilgilenimi arasında olumlu bir ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, sosyal ve demografik faktörlerin siyaset bilgisi ve seçmen ilgilenimi üzerinde etkisi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Örneğin, erkeklerin siyaset bilgisi ve ilgisi kadınlardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur. 50 yaş ve üzeri bireylerin (...)
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  36. The Politics of Secularism: Religion, Diversity, and Institutional Change in France and Turkey.Murat Akan - unknown
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    Tüketim toplumu bağlamında Türkiye'de örtünme pratiği ve moda ilişkisi.Mutlu Binark - 2000 - Ankara: Konrad Adenauer Vakfı. Edited by Barış Kılıçbay.
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    Dro da maradisoba.Bačʻana Bregvaże - 2006 - Tʻbilisi: Nekeri.
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  39. Comparing student understanding of quantum physics when embedding multimodal representations into two different writing formats: Presentation format versus summary report format.Murat Gunel, Brian Hand & Sevket Gunduz - 2006 - Science Education 90 (6):1092-1112.
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    Revisiting Aristotle’s Master-Slave Relationship: A Casual Evaluation in the Context of Human-AI Dynamics.Murat Kelikli - 2024 - Futurity Philosophy 3 (2):25–39.
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  41. Tożsamość- jednostka- osoba.Mirosław Murat - 1999 - Colloquia Communia 69 (2):160-163.
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    How to justify avoidance of communications related to death anxiety in the health care system.Murat Sariyar - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):353-359.
    It might seem obvious that dealing with death anxiety in the health care system is desirable. Hence, there are either voices that demand more research on how this openness can be fostered or those who consider this topic unworthy of further investigations because of its triviality. The idea behind both deficient perspectives is that the health care system as a communication system can assume the position of a second-order observer who can account for his deficits. However, in terms of Luhmannian (...)
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    II. Meşrutiyet Romanında Sultan II. Abdülhamid'e Karşı Verilen "İktidar Mücadele.Murat Tan - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):563-563.
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    Erken Cumhuriyette Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor.Mutlu Türkmen - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):729-740.
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    Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilimsel Araştırma Özyeterliği ve Üstbiliş Düşünme Becerile.Murat Tuncer - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):2243-2243.
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    Hersek Deltasındaki Kıyı Alanı Kullanımı Değişiminin Coğrafi Analizi.Murat Uzun - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):2033-2033.
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    Hukuka postmodern yaklaşım.Murat Yüksel - 2010 - Șișli, İstanbul: XII Levha.
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  48. Concepts, introspection, and phenomenal consciousness: An information-theoretical approach.Murat Aydede & Güven Güzeldere - 2005 - Noûs 39 (2):197-255.
    This essay is a sustained attempt to bring new light to some of the perennial problems in philosophy of mind surrounding phenomenal consciousness and introspection through developing an account of sensory and phenomenal concepts. Building on the information-theoretic framework of Dretske (1981), we present an informational psychosemantics as it applies to what we call sensory concepts, concepts that apply, roughly, to so-called secondary qualities of objects. We show that these concepts have a special informational character and semantic structure that closely (...)
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  49. Pain, philosophical aspects of.Murat Aydede - 2009 - In Patrick Wilken, Timothy J. Bayne & Axel Cleeremans (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 495-498.
    The ordinary conception of pain has two major threads that are in tension with each other. It is this tension that generates various puzzles in our philosophical understanding of pain. This is a short encyclopedia entry surveying some of the major philosophical puzzles about pain.
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  50. Introduction: A critical and quasi-historical essay on theories of pain.Murat Aydede - 2005 - In Pain: New Essays on its Nature and the Methodology of its Study. MIT Press.
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